Friday, October 3, 2008

Crying Hearts...

Heavy smokes of dust, loud cries of pain,
Buildings collapsing. people going insane.
Tears trickling down from eyes,

Heavy hearts, unheard cries,

People watching like statues of stone,

All together yet all alone,

So many people of different kind,

Diff emotions yet one ques on mind,

"WHY" why should die the innocent one,

Why suffer what someone else has done,

Similar sights seen all around,

Skies ablaze, bloodshed on ground,

Mother earth cries as her children depart,

Hiding so much pain within her heart.

When will this stop?? when will we learn??

To live in piece together as one,

People fighting over cast and religion,

Still arguing over a sixty year old division,

Why learn to hate why this WAR??

Why does humanity seem to far?

Isn't the world BIG enough for all?

Why do you stand by making others fall?

Why cant we live with love, all together?

As friends not enemies now and forever.

We are today and its up to us now,

To bring the world closer somehow...

1 comment:

moony said...

love the subject matter and theme.