Saturday, August 12, 2017

THE LIKENESS OF THE MIND AND HEART (From the heart to the mind)

We both have our own back stories
We both have our own prejudice
We both feel like damaged goods
We both have our own baggages

We both have our life's lessons
We both have felt hurt and pain
We both have some likeness
We both have our loss and gain

But life has taught us different things
Where you went numb, I cared too much
You play along with barren words
I hold mine back with a comic touch

We've got so used to looming clouds
That we're blinded towards clear blue skies
We often ignore what's best for us
Even when it's stares into our jaundiced eyes

I'm not saying I do it all right
Or that you any way are in the wrong
We both just have our different sins
We both still want to play along

You have your own reasons to stay
And I have mine to hold on tight
Both dwelling in this make belief
Unfazed by what's wrong or right

Our journey starts and it goes on
Not knowing if or when there'll be an end
With fibs and tales and exaggerations
Thus we continue to pretend...

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