Well its a little strange for me to see that I made this Profile a year back in August and I get the time to write only now, not that I was so busy last year that I got no time to put down my thoughts and its not like I have just retired and now I have all the time in the world to kick back on a bean bag with my laptop and do nothing better then sit n write stuff about my life and its impediments (as though we are not subjected to enough torture from our dear KEkta Kapoor that I will give you more tear jerkers) Heck I haven't been busier with my so called "Lyf" just kick starting... "Lyf's Impediments" ahh what a fancy name i gave it, sounded so cool then, hehe. I guess the only reason I ever created this Blog was because it was such a craze those days to write blogs... Never thought I will actually post anything on this. but any ways here I am My "Lyf's" first blog, not that I expect anyone to read it but i guess its a good outlet...